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Universal polymer holster Coyote

Price: £2064

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Polymer holster with release button from Ammomax

Compatible with more than 80 short weapon models such as:

G17, G19, CZ75, CZP09, P226, P320, P99, XD, M9, MM9, 1911, USP, TT33 and many others

Convenient option if you have more than one type of gun.

Compatible with various types of Ammomax hangers

Technical data

Weight: 150 g
Black color
Material: polymer
Length: 105 mm
Height mm: 150

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Polymer holster with release button from Ammomax

Compatible with more than 80 short weapon models such as:

G17, G19, CZ75, CZP09, P226, P320, P99, XD, M9, MM9, 1911, USP, TT33 and many others

Convenient option if you have more than one type of gun.

Compatible with various types of Ammomax hangers

Comptable with the following models 


1911 3" 4" 5"
Beretta PX4, M9, 92, 92FS, 96, 96FS, 92A1
Bersa Thunder 9
Browning Hi Power
Canik TP9
Caracal Enhanced F
CZ P07, P09, P10C, 75, 75B, 75 SP-01
EAA Witness
FN FNX-45, FN509, FNH-45
Glock 17, 19, 19X, 21, 26, 34, 42, 43; Gen4, Gen 5
Hi Point C9
IWI Jericho 941F
Kahr cw45
KelTec PF9
SIG P226, P320, P320SC, P938, SP2022
Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, .40, .45; M&P Shield, M&P compact, M2.0
Springfield XDs, XD, XDM, XDE
Steyr M9-A1
Ruger American 9mm, SR9
Taurus PT709, PT809, 840, PT100, PT92, G2c, PT111, PT140, PT145, 24/7
Tokarov T33
Wather P99QA
Action Army AAP01
APS SB. Shark/SD. Shark, XTP Series, MARCUX/CRIXUS, Shark.D-c/Shark.B-c, Black Hornet
Plus/Black Hornet, D.Scorpion-c/Scorpion-c/Spyder-c, A CAP, D.Dragonfly-c/Dragonfly-c, PMT Mantis-c, ACP606/ACP603
ASG SP-01 Shadow
AW Customs HX Series(all okay except HX21), NE Series, VX Series(works with VX7 / VX9 P80 frames), DS Series, BL Series, RD Series, CM Series, ST Series, AP Series, SW Series, UT Series, TB Series, AU Series
CYMA CM127, CM128
EMG BLU, Hi-capa, STI / TTI Licensed JW3 2011 Combat Master
G&G GPM92, GPM1911, GTP9, Piranha Series MK1
HFC HG 182/185/190
Novritsch SSX-23
KJW KP 16/17, KP09, KP13, SP01, Shadow 2, P09, M9
KSC CZ75, G17, G18C, G19, G26, G34 , M1911A1, M9A1, M92F, MK23, P226
KWC 24/7, 92FS, K17, K18, K40, K75, SP226
POSEIDON EVO 1 P17/P18/P19, EVO 2 P17/P18/P34/P35, Shark 18
RWA Custom Nighthawk
STTI ST8 Heavy Weight
Tokyo Marui Hi-capa, Glock 17/19/34 Gen. 3/4/5, M9 series, FNX45, P226 Series, Mk23 SOCOM
Umarex(VFC) Glock 17/19/19x/34 Gen. 3/4/5, VP9, PPQ M2
WE Hi-capa, F17, G Series, M9 series, F Series(F226/F228/F229), M45



Technical data

Weight: 150 g
Black color
Material: polymer
Length: 105 mm
Height mm: 150

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